Start Write Now: Beauty

There are so many kinds of beauty, and when I read this question, I immediately focused on the type of beauty that warms my soul: the love between a mother and child, a four year old’s sheer delight from just playing outdoors, the view from my porch in the mountains, the look of love in my Noaa’s blind eyes when he hears my voice.

I truly do believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My husband’s dear cat Mickey was an odd looking cat and when I first met him, I thought to myself “what an unfortunate looking cat.” About the time I was thinking that, hubby remarked “Mickey sure is a beauty.” And by looking again, I realized my husband was right. Mickey was indeed a beautiful cat and after I got to know him, I learned his beauty came from within.

The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen though – I’ve never seen. I was told about it and the image in my mind fills my would with warmth and love with it’s beauty. My mother and father were visiting hubby and me at our home in the mountains. The master bedroom is on the ground level and hubby and I gave it to my parents so they wouldn’t have to deal with the steep stairs to the guest bedroom. A screened in porch runs along side the master bedroom and DH had stayed out after everyone had gone inside to retire for the evening. As he turned to come inside himself, he glanced into the bedroom and saw my eighty year old father lifting my seventy-seven year old mother into the bed. The love and devotion between my parents is the most beautiful “thing” I’ve been blessed to witness.

Start Write Now is a series of writing exercises from Nourishing the Soul

About Maura

an erstwhile former weight management blogger writing about life without diet should's and should not's filter.
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